Friday, November 28, 2014

Let the craziness begin…

1.  I was sorry to see in the paper this morning that author P.D. James has passed away.  I have been reading her books for years and have found them intelligent and enjoyable.  She was 94 so I guess it is not unexpected, but it’s always sad when the world loses a great mind.

2.  I have been inordinately busy and I’m getting kind of tired of it.  And I’m saying that while heading into the busiest time of the year.  Bah humbug!

3.  We had our first real snow of the season on Wednesday.  The traffic here was so bad on Tuesday that I have to think that people were leaving early to avoid the weather just to get stuck in all that traffic.  It made me feel good to stay put.  We have avoided traveling this time of year as much as possible opting for our small family gatherings and dinner out at a local restaurant.  Works for us.

4.  Our Thanksgiving was quiet and easy.  We went to dinner in town at a place called Avellino.  We went there last year, too.  I smell a tradition in the making.  I like it there.  The service was good but leisurely.  I appreciate not being rushed through a big meal.  And, most importantly, the food was good.  I am truly thankful that I didn’t have to cook yesterday except for breakfast of bacon and eggs.  And the eggs came from a friend who has chickens.  Nothing like the color of farm fresh eggs to brighten the morning.  Another small thing to be thankful for.

5.  Guess it’s time for a vacation one of these days.

Linking to Tanya's Willy-Nilly Friday Five!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this was our 3rd eat out on Thanksgiving. we both like it, no muss no fuss... i love that the top... 2 of my favorite authors died last year, Robert Parker and i can't remember the other one this moment. as soon as i publish i will think of him

TexWisGirl said...

very nice fall and winter scenes. i'm always grateful not to have to travel - but especially so at this time of year when weather can create havoc along with excessive travel traffic. :)

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Beautiful images .. Congrats and happy weekend.

Unknown said...

There is just too much madness and rushing around these days. I'm for putting energy into meaningful things and not just doing it cause everyone does...mind you, that's not new for me. I like your Thanksgiving tradition...after all, they don't make all those funny family getogethers for the holidays for nothing! I think I have already said somewhere, that I am getting tired of fussing over meals....

Unknown said...

ps....beautiful images all!

Tom said...

Really like the oak and burning bush leaves. Tom The Backroads Traveller

Brian King said...

Beautiful leaves! That's a great photo of snow on the pines!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Yes, I see you're transitioning into Winter already too! Great minds seem to be fewer as I get older...:)JP

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

Great snow shot! We haven't had any other than a few flurries here, but we went into the mountains for Thanksgiving dinner, and there was snow there. We loved it! For the second year in a row, Larry and I traveled to a mountain restaurant for Thanksgiving. I think I smell a tradition too.

RobertN said...

Beautiful post!
best regards!

Nicki said...

Beautiful shot of the snow (but sorry, my first thought was "you can keep it!" - so not in the mood for that stuff this year). I only went back to work part time but man it feels like full time busy. I can appreciate the 'bah humbug' heading into the holidays. U.G.H.!

Susan said...

Beautiful shots! Sounds like my kind of Thanksgiving!

Ida said...

Sorry to be so late commenting. We had a super busy weekend and little time for blogging.
I enjoy your photography so much. One of the things I'm so thankful for is being able to visit blogs like yours. They make me happy.
Nice snowy image, we had another dusting here this weekend and low temps again. Still I'm thankful that we have a nice warm home to be in out of the weather.
I like the idea of going somewhere to a restaurant for T-Day but we never do. Still we only have just a small amount of people for dinner so the cooking isn't that bad. We had a nice breakfast, watched some TV, fixed the meal and watched a holiday movie later. Very relaxing.