Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Door to Door...

“I’m a door-to-door salesman. I sell doors. If I can’t knock on yours, because you don’t have a door to knock on, I know you’ll be interested in what I’m selling.” ~Jarod Kintz

Last week, when I went out to Northampton, Massachusetts, to visit my daughter Carrie, I took some pictures of doors.  Here are a couple I particularly liked.

Looking at these photos made me wonder in my mind where the best place I’ve ever been for photographing doors.  As way leads on to way inside my brain, it made me start thinking about Scotland and the doors I saw there.  So I went back in time and stepped through the portal into my computer’s memory and found that I had, indeed, taken a lot of pictures of doors when we were in Scotland.
  Here are a few.

Of course, we humans often use open doors as metaphors for choices we make in life or, when the door is closed, being blocked from those choices.  Alexander Graham Bell said, “Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.”  I think he was probably right.  But that didn’t keep me from spending a lot of time staring at my old photos of doors in Scotland, when there are probably hundreds of doors right here in Sturbridge that are waiting for me to turn the knob.


TexWisGirl said...

lovely the classic arches and the apogee!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE THEM ALL! so glad you archive dived to show us the doors from Scotland. they are all fantastic.

Unknown said...

A lovely colorful bunch...and Scotland knows how to do doors and have been at it longer than we have.

barbara l. hale said...

Good point!

Brian King said...

Those are all nice! I like the red brick in the first photo...kinda steals the show! My favorite door is the yellow one!

Pamela Gordon said...

I love doors too. You have found some beauties. I like the blue one and the last photo of the archway.

RobertN said...

Beautiful series!

Anonymous said...

How very lovely!

Debbie said...

All are beautiful but I am a sucker for anything with an arch!! Numer two and three, wow!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Doors are such great photo subjects, Barbara. They lead to so mny more interesting places too.

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

All of these are beautiful, but I love the blue one with the design over it. I have a thing for doors, too. They give the building such personality.

Love that first quote! :-)