Saturday, January 28, 2012

Catch the moments as they fly…

I got up a little early today to take some butter out of the fridge.  It has to soften so that I can make the shortbread cookies I am taking to the Burns Supper Greg and I are attending tonight.  In case you aren’t familiar with the tradition, this time of year Burns Suppers are held to honor Robert Burns, Scottish bard.  These can be raucous affairs with their haggis, whisky and poetry.  We are lucky that some friends of ours from our church sponsor the one we are attending tonight.  Thanks, Jodi and David!

Anyway, it made me start thinking about Scotland, a land that I am completely and utterly in love with since we visited in 2010.  We visited the Highlands, the Isles of Skye and Mull, and the Speyside area, which is where most of that liquid heaven we Americans call Scotch is made.  It is the best trip I have ever taken in my life bar none.  And I can still close my eyes and hold pictures in my head of the Scotland we saw during that two weeks.  What a beautiful place!  I would go back in a heartbeat.

So I will leave you today with a few pictures from that trip and my favorite lines from Robbie Burns.
  And tonight I will tip a cup of kindness to you all for auld lang syne!

“Then catch the moments as they fly,
And use them as ye ought, man:
Believe me, happiness is shy,
And comes not aye when sought, man.”

Sunset colors an old boat in Oban Harbor.

On the Isle of Skye.

Part of the Tomnaverie Stone Circle, a mystical place.

The Mash Tun in Aberlour, Scotland.  A restaurant with rooms.

The Water of Life.


TexWisGirl said...

gosh, those are gorgeous!!! enjoy yourself tonight!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Beautiful shots, very nice.

Love for Food and Photography said...

Inspiring pictures of those wild and coloured places.. you made me want to visit Scotland soon!!

Joyce said...

I love that boat photo!
Brings back happy memories for me too!

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous scenes from Scotland. I loved all your photos. I hope you have a great time tonight, sounds like fun!

Taker said...

Just really great pictures..

+1 follower

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of Gods own country....
my parents both came from Glasgow.

Debbie said...

you really have an eye for capturing the beautiful. have fun tonight!!

Tammy said...

Beautiful. Love the old boat. The rust and reflection are awesome!

Karen said...

my husband was raised in Scotland, (born in Ireland) but we visit all the is a wonderful country which at the moment is having a huge debate about independence, quite exciting really...

Ginny Hartzler said...

What gorgeous photos!!! Wow, you have even been to The isle Of Skye!!! I have always wanted to go to Great Britain. My great grandfather was from Scotland and he lived with us for ten years, he was a Frazier. We always went to the Black Watch Bagpipe parade in Washington, D.C. You have even taken an old rusty boat and made it a thing of such beauty!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures ! Thank you very much for this journey. Must have been a decade at least since last I enjoyed a Glenfiddich. Thank you for the memories. Please have a good new week ahead.

daily athens photo

Stratoz said...

hope it was as much fun as it sounds

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are soooo talented.