Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A is for Angel Oak…

The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber.  The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.
  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

It’s hard to describe the feeling I got when I first saw this magnificent tree.  At first, I wanted to just stand and stare at it.  Then I got an indescribable urge to touch it and feel the life within it.  It is truly a force of nature, the Angel Oak.  This gorgeous old live oak tree is purportedly the oldest living thing east of the Mississippi River.  Its branches stretch to a diameter of 160 feet.  The circumference of its trunk is almost 25 feet and it covers 17,100 square feet of ground.  Simply magnificent!

It is hard to believe that over the years, man has not found a reason to get rid of this old tree.  The fact that is it is still around and lovingly tended gives me hope.  “Recorded history traces the ownership of the live oak and surrounding land back to the year 1717 when Abraham Waight received it as part of a small land grant.  The tree stayed in the Waight family for four generations and was part of a Marriage Settlement to Justus Angel and Martha Waight Tucker Angel.”  It is now in a public park.

I have to thank my cousin-in-law, Joyce P., for nudging us to drive out to look at this wonderful tree.  Thanks, Joyce!  It was well worth it. 

So I managed to mangle the alphabet putting the “B” before the “A” but I don’t think anyone really cares.


Love for Food and Photography said...

Magnificent trees that we don't have here. I especially like the first and the 5th image.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

That is a monster of a tree!

Debbie said...

ooohhh wow, now that's a tree, i have never seen anything like that!!

i like the last picture, what a wonderful place to take a walk!!

TexWisGirl said...

She is so incredibly beautiful. She brought tears to my eyes...

Carletta said...

Very very awesome!
You captured it beautifully!

Nancy said...

Just love those worly (is that a word) branches. These trees are magnificent and your photography definitely enhanced their beauty. :)

Adam said...

awesome tree

Barbara Franceschini said...

wowwww!!! really interesting post!!!
I love all of these photos!!
great work!! :D

Kim, USA said...

Oh my gush this is the kind of tree we wish all the mountains do have. Very beautiful!!

GraficWorld said...

Nice capture!

James said...

Great shots! Awesome tree! Wow!

magda said...

Ooo Barbara!!!
This is a great monument of nature!!!!
Thanks that showed it!
many kisses

Joyce said...

You are very welcome! It was quite a find and truly an awesome tree!
I have an acorn person that some gazillion year old woman makes and sells at the little vistor center. A gift from my daughter. :)
Your photos are really spectacular!

Kerri Farley said...

W is for WOWZA! What an Amazing tree!!

Shaun said...

Wow, and i thought we had some pretty big oak trees in the UK. Stunning !!

I hope you can find the time to visit my blog


Lydia Martin said...

I could see why you would want to touch it....it's a masterpiece! Some really great captures of the size of the tree and the angles of the branches

Stratoz said...

thank you so much for sharing this tree, awed

Unknown said...

Beautiful Trees and magical path.
Very beautiful colors..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

awesome and wow

Selene said...

bellissime foto!