Sunday, January 22, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday...

Inspired by my fellow bloggers today, I decided to do Scavenger Hunt Sunday.  The prompts are sunset, black and white, a day in the life, four and colorful.  Here’s what I came up with…

We are surrounded by hills and trees.  Getting a good sunset picture is a real challenge around here.  One place where it’s a pretty sure thing is on Quaboag Pond in Brookfield, Massachusetts.  They might not as spectacular as a tropical sunset, but I like them anyhow.

We came across these beautiful black and white dogs on our trip to Scotland a couple years ago.  

That’s me and my camera…a day in the life.  Well, pretty much every day in my life.

Four on the shore…


I do not deny my lameness...Now if I could figure out how to add the widget, I'd be all set.

Thanks, Debbie.  I often have to be told multiple times!


Anonymous said...

great choices for this week!!! love the lanterns!!!

Light Trigger

Anonymous said...

Nice work!

LINDYLOR said...

Love the four. Great job

Nicki said...

Great submissions for the scavenger hunt. You framed the sunset to perfection, creatively interpreted the "four" - and quite honestly, did a take on 'a day in the life' that was right under the rest of our noses and we didn't even think of it. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful sunset, Barbara, framed very nicely!

Debbie said...

gorgeous set, my favorite is colorful!!

to add the widget, you just right click it (as you would save any picture to your computer) click on "save as" and then name it. when you search your photo's it should be there, with all your others pictures. then you just add it to the post, like you would any other picture. i hope you can follow and that this helps!!

TexWisGirl said...

a great set. :) i like your sunset.

Kim, USA said...

These photos are beautiful. How you shot them are awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Ashley Sisk said...

Beautiful set - really love that sunset.

zero_energy said...

First photo is absolutely my favorite.
Beautiful colors and light!

Great photos!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I think you did very good. Great colors.

Holly said...

I love that sunset beautiful.

Unknown said...

Great series. I love your sunset photograph, the composition is fantastic.Have a wonderful week.

Nancy said...

A wonderful set, Barbara! The sunset and the lanterns are gorgeous! :)

a shutter bug said...

wow ! really like your set, sunset is really lovely , and I love the lanterns. thankyou for sharing

BF said...

Your shot for a day in my life is great! Nice work!

Love for Food and Photography said...

Love them all. the B/W dogs are not an easy couple to find ;-)
the portrait for the texture and it seems you're watching a sunshine!!
The lanterns for the warm colors..

Lysha said...

They all so well done. I really like the color shot.

Javier Guri said...

A wonderful series, with fantastic colors.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the lanterns and the 4 on the beach and of course YOU... I have a few of ME like that