Monday, January 2, 2012

The newest restaurant in town is for the birds…

If you’ve been following this blog for the last month or so, you know that I have had a little battle going with the squirrels in our yard.  For years they have been keeping me from feeding the birds around here because they are relentless in getting into the feeders and wiping out the seed supply before any bird can get near them…cheeky little devils.

But I seem to have been successful in my latest attempt to hang a birdfeeder where the squirrels can’t get to it.  And I have been rewarded by getting to watch the beautiful little birds flitting around and taking advantage of the new “restaurant” in town.  I will say, however, I am not happy that the blue jays have found the feeder.  They can wipe out the seed supply almost as quickly as the squirrels and the little birds seem to be afraid of them and their raucous ways.  But I don’t think there is anything I can do about that except to tell them to go find somewhere else to eat when I see them hanging around.

So I am going to post a few pics I’ve taken of the birds at our birdfeeder.  These pics are taken through the window with my long lens so the angles aren’t the best but I have had fun with them nonetheless.

The Chickadee waits on the windchime.

This is a male Downy Woodpecker.  They are similar to the much larger Hairy Woodpecker.

A Titmouse comes in for a landing while the Nuthatch just minds his own business.

This female Cardinal waits her turn on the rosebush.

Another glimpse of the Nuthatch.


Kerri Farley said...

They are super!! LOVE this new "restaurant" :)
Happy New Year!!

TexWisGirl said...

nice! i'd take bluejays over hordes of marauding blackbirds and grackles! they wipe me out every morning!

Kim, USA said...

Hello Barbara, your photos just remind me to feed my birds. Love your photos and thanks for the visit. ^_^

Kim, USA

Diane AZ said...

You have the cutest yard birds! My area doesn't have any tree squirrels or blue jays, but I understand they can be seed hogs. Good luck!

Love for Food and Photography said...

wow what beautiful captures! we dont have blue jays or downy woodpeckers, they are great!

Debbie said...

i thought we were going to be talkin' FOOD, i got soooo excited!!

wonderful close ups, i take most of my bird pictures through the window. occasionally i open it and hang out. if they are really hungry they will still come!!

Lydia Martin said...

These are lovely! We do not have many birds at the moment beause of having no snow...most birds around can still find plenty out there

Tammy said...

I have all but give up the battle. My husband keeps repairing my feeders.I don't mind them taking the seed, but I really get annoyed when they destroy the feeders.

I like your female Cardinal best - she's lovely.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous photos of these birds, especially love the coloring on the woodpecker.
Birds are some of my most favorite creatures. I love listening to them in the summer in the evening when the mother chirps for all the young ones to return to the hedge for the night.

Barbara Franceschini said...

truly lovely shots!!!
well done!!!
I wish you a wonderful 2012!!!

My photoblog:

magda said...

Hahaaaaa, bravo Barbara, is very clever idea!!!!
Wonderful the new restaurant "Barbara"!!!
Your photos are lovely!!!
I'm very glad for this idea!
I wish you, from my heart, a very Happy New Year to your family!
A hug and many kisses

Unknown said...

Great series, especially the female Cardinal. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

holdingmoments said...

Lovely selection of visitors to your restaurant.

Brian King said...

Beautiful photos, Barbara! I haven't seen any nuthatches at my feeders this season.

theconstantwalker said...

You have some wonderful little birds..

Hilke Breder said...

Terrific photos, Barb! I am glad you found a solution for the squirrels. Yes, Blue Jays can be a pest and I don't think there's much you can do about them.

eileeninmd said...

I need to learn your trick. I am overrun with those piggy squirrels. I do love the photos of your yardbirds.

mick said...

Great photos - even through the glass. I hope you have solved the problems with the squirrels!

Anonymous said...

The squirrels and I have an on-going battle but otherwise most all our birds get along with each other and we have no piggies. No Blue Jays here but Western Scrub Jays instead and they do not eat that much. The California Towhee probably eats the most. Very nice photos.

Arija said...

Good for you for beating the squirrels. Lovely to see all your little birds stopping for their favourite take-aways.

Pat Ulrich said...

Cool shots of the bird on the feeder!

joo said...

They are all so lovely:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful all of these little sweet birds. the mama cardinal is my favorite. i love cardinals and at one time we had nest of them each year on our porch. the hawks and eagles came last year and we have no more little birds.

Springman said...

Congratulations on out smarting squirrel nation! Not and easy accomplishment. Like any resturant your diners will come and go depending on what your serving. You'll have fun experimenting and just look at the pictures your already getting, lovely! I especially like the texture of those thorn stems in the cardinal picture.
Happy New Year!

Stratoz said...

I dig nuthatches