Friday, January 20, 2012

City Fences…

Last week while we were traveling through New York City, I was fairly amazed at all the fences I saw.  Fences on bridges, streets and buildings.  Fences within fences.  Fences on top of fences.

It seems to me that there is a world of difference between city fences and country fences.  Country fences are there to keep things in, while city fences primarily keep things out, except when they are there to protect us from ourselves.

New York City fences for Fence Friday…


TexWisGirl said...

so true... love the colors in that first shot!

the best part of my day... said...

These are awesome shots, Barbara! And a great big cheers for joining my blog! You are #30! So makes me smile...have a wonderful weekend...

Barbara Franceschini said...

great post!!!
wonderful work!! :)

My photoblog:

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images to see..

Nancy said...

Love your take on the reason for fences in the city vs. rural areas. Great shots, Barbara. :)

Love for Food and Photography said...

I agree with you, about the use of fences, in the city and the country!!!
Like the way you took out the colours from city images when often is everyting grey.

genie said...

You did a really good job of giving us a variety of different city fences to look at. They are all so colorful and interesting. Great post. genie

Debbie said...

vibrant colors in that first one, and how funny to see a k-mart in nyc, it just doesn't seem to fit the city vibe!!

James said...

Great shots! I especially like the shapes and colors in the top one.

zero_energy said...

Hello how are you?

That is very true of fences.
what an interesting subject for your shoot.

Great work!

Betty Manousos said...

i like fences!thanks so much for posting this!

brilliant shots!!! love the composition and texture in the last one.

Jan n Jer said...

Great fence shots...the first one is so colorful and vibrant!

Stratoz said...

fabulous photos

Linda said...

interesting fence photos

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the fences are great, the photography so bright and colorful and amazing to me. that first one makes me think a box of crayons with all that color. i would have thought it would be hard to get fence photos in NY but there they are