Thursday, April 5, 2012

Enjoying magic wings…

Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life.  And everyone deserves a little sunshine.  ~Jeffrey Glassberg

I couldn’t put it better myself.  While I know very little about butterflies, I always like seeing one.  They definitely light up the world.

Well, after a few false starts, my daughter Carrie and I finally got the chance to go to Magic Wings, a butterfly conservatory in South Deerfield, Massachusetts.  And we had a delightful time.

I got so many photos I don’t even know where to begin so I guess I will just post a few and go from there.
Like I said, I know very little about butterflies so I don’t know any details about what kind these are.  And they weren’t flying around with tags on them or anything.  If there’s someone out there who knows and wants to let me know, I would appreciate it.  Meanwhile, I will just enjoy the fact that they are beautiful, graceful, varied, enchanting and approachable.  Hope you like them, too.


magda said...

My dear froend Barbara,
I can not distinguish what is the most beautiful.
All are beautiful!!!!
Many kisses and happy Easter!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely butterflies! They look so different from any I have ever seen in "real life" (aka not photos)

TexWisGirl said...

the 4th shot is just wonderful - the way the wings seem to drape down. :)

Nicki said...

How fun! No idea of their identities, only that they are mobile pieces of art.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would die of happiness to get to see all this at magic wings. the black and white is my favorite. i love black and white in clothes, cars house decorations. he/she is gorgeous and i have never seen one like it

Amy Burzese said...

That would be heaven for me. And I would probably have way too many shots. Thanks for sharing these!

ruma said...

Hello, barbara l. hale.

  Your heartwarming work provokes my impression.
  The passion for the art.  It is universal.

  Thank you visit to the garden of the cherry blossoms.
  The prayer for all peace.

Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❀

Unknown said...

such beautiful details and colours, looks like you had a great day out and a lovely place to visit with so much to see:)thank you for your visit to my blog, you kind comments are very appreciated:)

Debbie said...

these are exceptional barbara, really exceptional!!

i love butterflies, so many varities and colors!!

RobertN said...

Thank you for sharing! Best wishes!

Rambling Woods said...

What a treat and you got some beautifully detailed photos..You can even see the coiled proboscis on one that they unroll and use like a straw to get nectar from plants...Michelle

Nancy said...

Gorgeous, Barb!

Chatty Crone said...

Love your beautiful butterflies. Have a blessed Easter. Sandie

Rose said...

Oh, wow, I can just imagine...I would have been like a kid in a candy store.

Kerri Farley said...