Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ode to our magnolia…

When we moved into this house more than ten years ago, it was in the middle of December.  Consequently, we really didn’t have any idea as to what was planted in our yard.  Over the next year, it was fun to see what popped open in the spring and hung around in the summer.  The person who lived here before must have been a pretty good gardener…something I am not.  There are bulbs that come up every year, daylilies galore and there are gorgeous white azaleas and rhododendrons that, when they bloom, look like clouds that have fallen in front of our house. 

And in our back yard on the edge of the woods there is a magnolia tree.  I fell in love with this tree the first year I saw it in bloom.  So I was horrified this past October after the freak snowfall when we realized that the tree had snapped in two under the weight of the heavy snow.  But apparently, the loss of a limb, even a major one, is not enough to have this tree give up the ghost and it bloomed again this year.  The blooms are not as profuse as in the past years.  But the magnolia did set its buds and brought forth some flowers that are beautiful even if they are a little brown around the edges because of our dry spring.
I suppose that the tree never had a moment’s thought that it wouldn’t bloom as I had feared would happen because of such major damage.  Such is the tenacity of wild life and my personal tendency toward despair sometimes.  It has been an uplifting sight looking out at the blooms that are now beginning to fade and drop to the ground because that is what they are supposed to do while the waxy green leaves are beginning to emerge.
Nature’s perseverance and persistence always puts hope in my heart and I stand here in awe of it.


TexWisGirl said...

beautiful shots, barbara, and beautiful thoughts, too. if we could all be as resilient.

Nicki said...

I think magnolias are so majestic with large and very commanding flowers. I hope your tree recuperates well. I can also relate to not knowing what is planted around the house when you move in. I believe we were in our house 2 years before I realized we had a blueberry shrub. The first summer I was pregnant with a toddler and never ventured over to that part of the lot and I guess the second summer I guess I was doubly busy with two tots.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

simply gorgeous, all of these. double wow on the photography. and so happy the tree did not die.

Love for Food and Photography said...

I'm also very happy for your tree and for you, that it survived. They're strong imponent and they're fascinating, between my favorite trees.
I love your pictures, beautiful as you always do!
We also came to our home it was in december and didnt know exactly what kind of flowers/trees were here. As you, every spring is a surprise, because I'm not so good gardener either!

Anonymous said...

natures most beautiful smile.

please have you all a good friday ahead.

RobertN said...

Wonderful! Have a nice weekend!

Brian King said...

Gorgeous shots, Barb! Your photos have such nice detail.

Chatty Crone said...

You have some very nice shots there! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. sandie

Tammy said...

Nature finds a way :)

I have been enjoying all the magnolias here...sadly, none are in my yard!

Lydia Martin said...

Wow Barb...these are just so beautiful and very well written blog post as well...enjoyed all of it. I too love magnolias...glad the damage didn't end the tree :)

Debbie said...

the light in your pictures is just gorgeous barbara!!

nice enrty today, i enjoyed reading your thoughts.

Nancy said...

Conversely, although the previous owners bragged about the planting they had done on our farm, one scraggly tulip that no longer exists was all that came up the first Spring! I'm happy for you that you have some mature plants to enjoy! Lovely captures of a beautiful flower, Barb! :)