Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Leaving reality behind…

While I was looking at my photos from the trip Carrie and I took out to the butterfly conservatory Magic Wings in South Deerfield, Massachusetts, I was overcome with a feeling that I had to do something out of the ordinary with some of the pics.  I usually don’t overly process my photos.  Usually I just crop and adjust the exposure enough to make them look the way I remember seeing them in real life.  But you know, with the available software out there, it’s kind of fun to take a flight of fantasy now and then.

So here are a few of the pics from that day that I got carried away with.  I know they aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I had fun.

Carrie the Butterfly Girl


TexWisGirl said...

the last 2 cracked me up! :) and the first ones are pretty funky!

Anonymous said...

The first three are excellent indeed !

Please have a good Thursday.

a shutter bug said...

Oh I love them. The butterflys are beautiful. I'm with you on the processing, I like mine to be pretty 'real' but sometimes I think it is fun to have a play. excellent subject to cross process.
Thankyou so much for visiting be and leaving a comment, I really appreciate the feedback. Hope you have a great day, and hopefully I'll see you for SHS

Nicki said...

I find them very entertaining. Like you, not something I would want every day - but very fun on this set, especially enjoyed the last couple.

RobertN said...

:)Very interesting. Have a nice day!

Brian King said...

I just love those first two photos of the butterfly! I've never seen anything done like that before. Really cool effects, Barb!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the first butterfly, the black and white in all that color is beautiful. the bearded dragons i like. i got to pet one of these when they brought him to the nursing home to show the residents. had never seen one until then. who knew they were comedians in addition to being so cute.

Helma said...

Hi Hi barbara,

which is a separate operation of these pictures but very moi done. You butterfly in the first picture I really incredibly beautiful.

Greetings, Helma

Debbie said...

they are interesting ;)))

i don't edit any of my pictures, everything is sooc. my rocket science computer guy "cleaned up" my computer and swaped out vista for windows 7. now i can't even crop a picture or find my documents!! and the nikon is still in never, never land!! i am dying here!!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay YOU are ONE talented lady. sandie

EG CameraGirl said...

I think these turned out very well. I usually like mine to look like what I actually saw, but a little fantasy now and then is good for your creative spirit.

holdingmoments said...

That first group took me back to the '60's lol

Love for Food and Photography said...

Beautiful! I like up and down playing with colours but I never got the courage to publish the results. you did it well!
funny the comic you also create.
have a great weekend,

Nukke said...

Lovely psychedelic photos !!!! Love them all ! And those lizards are cool :)