Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday's here again...

My entries for this week’s Sunday Scavenger Hunt are in. 

Yellow was the first prompt.  I decided to go out and snap what remained of the yellow spring flowers in honor of Earth Day and a couple of lemons.  Earth Day every day!

I’m not sure why people think pugs are grumpy or sad.  I must be something about their mugs.  But, believe me, they are pretty much the jolliest little dogs around and our pug Olive is something that never fails to make me smile.

We don’t really have anything around us that is ancient but the cut glass bowls that my mother-in-law gave me are antique.  They belonged to her mother at one time.  

Please don’t laugh when you see my splash picture.  I was home alone when I tried this and it didn’t occur to me how difficult it would be to drop a lemon in a bowl while trying to take a click with the camera and not get wet.  I was not very successful and actually had to change my clothes after I was done.  This photo is the best of a bad batch.

I collect colored glass balls because I love the way they look in the sun.  I particularly like this one because it sort of looks like the sun to me.

Linking to Sunday Scavenger Hunt.


Anonymous said...

These are all amazing. love the yellow collage and the antique in particular...

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed all of your photos this week! Especially the antique photo was nice :)

LV said...

What a bright, cheerful post. However, the puppy was not so happy.

Karen said...

It's amazing what we will do to get that perfect Scavenger Hunt photo! I love your splash pic. That glass ball is beautiful. I love the reflection! Great job.

Debbie said...

what a happy set!! your yellow mosaic is gorgeous!!

i think it might be the upside down smile on the pug, maybe?? but i think he is adorable!!

TexWisGirl said...

olive is so cute. and the dropping the lemon into the waterbowl escapade made me laugh. :)

Unknown said...

I love your photos, particularly the lemon. I may have to try that myself some time. :) Great Job!

RobertN said...

Splendid! Thanks for sharing! Have a nice day!

Betty Manousos said...

these are all exquisite, barbara!

great yellow, great shots!
love them all.

Nicki said...

If my husband could choose a dog (we have cats - I came with cats and we've stuck with it) - but if he could have a dog it would be a pug. Cats and dogs alike bring a smile to my face - but pugs especially make him smile. Gorgeous collection of yellow and beautiful glass / sun ball; but I have to confess that I'm giggling at your splash - but only because I've been there, done that. (and it is so refreshing to read someone else experiencing the same learning curve).

As always, thanks Barb for visiting my blog - I always enjoy your comments.

Rose said...

I love that yellow collage!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well i think you deserve A ++ on every single photo. these are beautiful. i love the lemon splash. i watched a video on doing this but he had a tripod and a clicker in his hand to snap the shot. i want a clicker. it would have kept you dry i think or made things easier. sweet pug puss

Deno said...

Not bad at all on the lemon splash. I like it. The glass ball is neat too.

barbara l. hale said...

I have a clicker, Sandra, and a tripod and I thought about setting all that up but I was really busy and I knew the rain was coming so I did it freehand. Next time I might go to more trouble.

Love for Food and Photography said...

wow, amazing yellow themed pictures!!
I think that pugs have their own expression that differenciate from other dogs. but I'm sure they're full of joy!! A FB friend of mine has 3 twins, 2 pugs and 2 cats. the female pug did breastfeeding the little cat as she was the mother (she got babies shortly before). Now she looks over the 3 children how they were her babies!

Seizing My Day said...

maybe use baby lemons next time... =) I am trying hard not to laugh.... trying key word there! =)

love your sweet pug... I have only ever seen happy pugs myself too!

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE PUGS!!!!!!!!!!! And I love your yellow flowers. sandie

Brian King said...

Wow, nice work, Barb! Love the water drop shot! That's awesome! I'd say you pulled it off!

a shutter bug said...

love all your shots this week, and I like your splash!

Kim, USA said...

Yellow is my favorite color it bring smile on my face. I love your shots and the splash photo is really great. I would love to try it too. ^_^ Thanks for the visit!

Red Tulips

Ashley Sisk said...

Great job - I really like the yellow.

Unknown said...

It's so hard to pick a favorite! They are all so good, but I suppose I like "sun" the best. Gorgeous color!

Cathy H. said...

I love all your shots! I know what you mean about dropping the lemon and trying to capture the splash at the same time. I threw a rock in a creek for my splash picture. At least I threw if far enough away that I didn't get wet! I love the orange/yellow ball in the last image!

Nukke said...

Lovely photos for Scavenger Hunt Sunday !!! I like most in the sun, splash, and that dog !!!

Have a nice week !

my pics in