Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning…

Cleaning out my hard drive, I came across some photos that I was reluctant to extinguish so am sharing them with you all.

One day not too long ago while I was walking the pug, I heard the unmistakable sound of the Pileated Woodpecker hammering away.  I spotted him and went in for my long lens but he was so far up in the tree, I couldn’t get a good shot.  Still, I like that I got a good look at him anyhow.  Here he is:

Mr. Cheeky just sits and wrings his hands trying to figure out a way into the bird feeder.  How can something so annoying be so downright cute??

Our early spring brought out the bugs early.  

Here’s one of our horsey friends.  He stood and posed so nicely.


Chatty Crone said...

You know what - I loved the name of your blog - commonplace beauty - it is all around us if we take time to look - those pictures were just beautiful. sandie

Lydia Martin said...

Those pileateds can be evasive...I have finally seen a couple near our home here...we had so many in FL...had my iphone along, but no dice on the photos...lovely blog pics again :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great pic of the wasp, i hate them and can't get close to photograph them, terrified of wasp. love the silly squirrel and the background he is siting on is beautiful

Debbie said...

beautiful images today, and always. i tried to pick a favorite but i just couldn't.

these are all things i love to photograph!!

Gina Kleinworth said...

How nice to have all those creatures around you!

TexWisGirl said...

oh, i like this photo dump! :)

Anonymous said...

It has been years since last I saw most of these animals. Thank you for the memories. Please have a good Wednesday.

Nicki said...

There are some pictures that aren't exactly up to grade - but there is 'something' about them - I have many and I can appreciate why these have found a place in your library.

Susan said...

Delightful photos Barbara - I hang on to my pics too; they're all special.
I especially love all the elements which make up the Pilated Woodpecker photo.

Carole M. said...

love the woodpecker but that squirrel takes the cake! A kind of 'who me?' look happening there.

RobertN said...

...and beautiful!:) Have a nice day!

Brian King said...

I'm glad you didn't delete these, they're beautiful, Barb! I would love to photograph Pileated Woodpeckers. They're so regal. The squirrel photo is wonderful as are the wasp and horse shots. These are really nice!

Betty Manousos said...

another gorgeous series of photos!
i really like that horse.
they are about the prettiest of animals they are.

happy wednesday!

Karen said...

I have (allegedly) been spring cleaning too...found some wonders myself!

magda said...

Ooo Barbara, wonderful photos!!!
You live in a very nice place!
many greetings and kisses

Nancy said...

I'm really enjoying your spring cleaining photos, Barb. The horse photo is wonderful. :)